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The Lab
The Laboratory of Ancient Food and Farming (LAFF) is the paleoethnobotany laboratory directed by Dr. BrieAnna Langlie at Binghamton University located in Binghamton, New York. LAFF is both a research and teaching lab. Email us if you would like to know more.
If you would like to get involved in research in the lab or in Peru, please contact Dr. Langlie via email, or take one of her classes at Binghamton University.
I'm currently accepting Ph.D. and M.A. students interested in paleoethnobotany, ancient agriculture, and andean archaeology. Please email me if you are thinking about applying to Binghamton University's graduate program.
Our lab is equipped with six microscopes, two microscope cameras, two computers with many software packages on them, sieves, a small float machine, an herbarium cabinet and an array of other important paleoethnobotanical sorting materials. Our microscope currently include the following:

We have a Leica M205C binocular light microscope. This microscope features an optical zoom ratio of 20.5:1 which enables us to achieve optical magnification of 100X while retaining a large 112mm working distance, all with a single objective. This scope is fitted with an led-light ring to illuminate samples and a Leica MC170HD digital camera.

We have a Leica DM2700 compound microscope with reflected & transmitted illumination. The contrast methods featured are brightfield, darkfield, and polarized Light as well as Leica’s proprietary built in Oblique Illumination. This scope is also fitted with a Leica MC170HD digital camera.

We have four Leica S7E binocular light microscopes fitted with led light rings for illumination.

We have several computing devices including an array of iPads and Bad Elf GPS's for archaeological survey. We have a desktop Precision Tower 3620 with a 32" high-definition monitor that run the Leica LASX software for digital microscope imaging and image processing. This computer is also outfitted with ArcGIS, SPSS, FileMaker, and many other software packages.

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